Modern means of transportation and communication have been revolutionised by it. Electric trains and battery cars are quick means of travel. Electricity also provides means of amusement, radio, television and cinema, which are the most popular forms of entertainment are the result of electricity. Modern equipment like computers and robots have also been developed because of electricity. Electricity plays a pivotal role in the fields of medicines and surgery too — such as X-ray, ECG. The use of electricity is increasing day by day.
Just try
to imagine your life without electricity, and all of the related modern
electronic gadgets we all take for granted. This includes your mobile
devices and social networking.
If the
discovery of electricity (and everything derived from it) were to
somehow be erased from all of humanity, we would instantly be thrown
back over 150 years into the past. Not only would we lose all of the
modern conveniences we so much enjoy, but a lot of people whose lives
currently depend on modern technology to keep them alive (in hospitals,
for example) would die.
Economies worldwide would shrink by orders of
magnitude, food and other much-needed supplies could no longer be
delivered to those who need it, and even more people would die.
Knowledge would no longer be in any sort of electronic format, complex
data analysis would become impossible, and instant communication with
anyone not within earshot away would be impossible. High-speed travel
would be limited to the speed at which horses can gallop, or maybe, just
maybe, the speed of purely-mechanical steam trains (with no means of
electronic communication).
has become a vital and indispensable energy source. It is always going
to be part of our lives in one form or another and there will always be a
need to generate, distribute electricity.
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