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Friday, 28 December 2018

Tips To Build A Solid Retirement Foundation

 Retirement is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so how will we know if we’re ready? I didn’t realize how fortunate I was while going through the painstaking process of learning how to create a sound business plan in college. I became enlightened in that great fortune when I launched my first business. Developing this plan gave me a strong sense of confidence and helped me stay focused on what was important; it allowed me to experience a level of enjoyment as I went through the process that otherwise would not have been possible.

Business plans and retirement plans have many similar aspects. Having a clear understanding of what we want to accomplish is imperative. Retirement has so much opportunity to offer if we are intentional in determining how we want to experience it.
As critical as it is for a business to use its resources as efficiently as possible, the same is true for life in retirement. Various elements in a retirement plan require individual attention and may depend on professionals for best results (estate attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors, benefits experts, money managers, and insurance professionals, to name a few).
As unique as each one of us is, our retirement planning needs are equally as unique and deserve individual attention.
With that said, here are six tips for your retirement plan foundation.

Expenses in Retirement
I’ve heard from several people that we will spend 20% less in retirement than we did in our working years — this, of course, is a myth.
Unless we have a strategy to decrease retirement spending in place, we can expect to spend the same, if not more, in retirement. Many of us will have some major expenses, such as mortgages that may be paid off, but we’ll also have an additional 40+ hours in our week to ourselves.
By far, the biggest mistake I see people make in determining spending is not accurately accounting for inflation. Many people find it beneficial to divide spending into categories: living essentials (food, clothing, housing, etc.), quality of life (restaurants and hobbies), and the big stuff (travel, new cars, etc.).

Protection From Possible Pitfalls
A solid retirement plan should have solutions for any pitfalls that could be significant enough to derail it.
I do not want to be 84 years old and have to start figuring out how my spouse will be taken care of after my stay in the nursing home has left her destitute due to the huge expense of long-term care services. Or, how my spouse will fair when our household income drops by $2,500 each month due to my passing earlier than expected and losing my Social Security. These are just two examples of many events that can have an extreme effect on the retirement plan. Several strategies can help mitigate the negative effects of possible pitfalls. The plan should indicate which strategies will be used and account for any associated costs.

 Tax Mitigation
What will be our largest expense over our lifetimes? For many of us, it will be taxes.
It’s crucial that your retirement plan includes tax mitigation strategies to help you live a high-quality life through retirement. Many strategies (like Roth conversions) may increase the current year’s taxes while significantly reducing the taxes that will be paid in total throughout retirement.
For this reason, your financial advisor and tax professional should be in collaboration in the development and management of the tax strategies implemented in your retirement plan.

Investment Management
Many of us might invest to mitigate inflation and taxes with tax-deferred accounts.
If we do not earn a reasonable rate of return on our retirement savings, we can lose buying power. For this reason, we must understand that, at this point in our lives, investments should only be used to support strategies within the retirement plan. Money that will be used to supplement our retirement income in five years should be invested differently than money that will be used in 15 years. And, money in tax-deferred accounts, after-tax accounts, and Roth accounts each have unique uses and should be invested accordingly.

Income Sources
Many of us fear running out of money in retirement. The income strategies in a retirement plan can be considered by some as most important, as they incorporate and are affected by all of the other elements in the plan.
Many aspects should be considered in creating an income plan. How long should my savings last? How much of our income, if any, should be from guaranteed sources, Social Security, pensions, income annuities, etc.? For example, I might feel most comfortable with guaranteeing the income needed for the essentials of living and quality of life expenses and let market returns determine the level of “big stuff” spending.
From a tax efficiency perspective, it’s important to utilize money from different account types to mitigate our tax liability over time

Estate and Legacy Planning
Although taxes get most of the attention in the estate planning stage, there are many more elements to it. We work hard throughout our lives to accumulate assets. There are only three things we will do with these assets: lose them, spend them, or give them away.
Having an estate plan can help ensure that our assets will pass on to our loved ones and charities as efficiently as possible, as we want them to. It’s important to recognize that the estate plan contains the elements that will serve as our voice if we become incapacitated and when we’re no longer here.
 It’s important to note that each of these foundational elements of a retirement plan can interact and affect each other. Working with a seasoned financial professional can help you create a cohesive retirement plan to serve you and your heirs well into the future.


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